
«АКИпресс-Кибердемократ»: Нет хозяина, нет того, кто стратегически мыслит – Т.Мамбеталиева об информбезопасности


20.06.2013. Директор Общественного фонда «Гражданская инициатива Интернет политики» Татту Мамбеталиева дала Интервью проекту «АКИпресс-Кибердемократ».

- Как вы считаете, насколько остро стоит

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«Evening Bishkek»: Kyrgyzstan will continue to fall in the Networked Readiness Index


This, according to the director of PF "Civil Initiative on Internet Policy", due to the imperfect regulatory policies of the ICT sector.
18/04/13 14:32
Sabina Reingold
Today, April 18, the

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«Tazabek»: ГАС КР приостановила действие 3 из 14 лицензий, выданных на иcпользвование технологии 4G


22-02-13, 09:41
Tazabek - На сегодняшний день для широкополосного радиодоступа стандартов WiMax и LTE выдано 14 лицензий, из них на последних лицензионных комиссиях 3 лицензии приостановлено, 2

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“Vedomosti”: Russian security services have got opportunity to set audition in Skype


The Russian special services were given an opportunity to monitor for conversations in Skype, told to “Statements” several participants of informational security market. The general director of

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Market of plastic cards of Kyrgyzstan least developed in Central Asia (infographics)


Quantity bank payment cards in Kyrgyzstan held by the population, as well as the amount of payments using payment cards, the lowest in comparison with 3 countries of Central Asia - Kazakhstan,

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“Evening Bishkek”: Hearing held


Trying to legalize wiretapping phones and establish control over the Internet, lawmakers have forgotten the most important thing - the right of law-abiding citizens to protection from attacks on

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Конкурс на позицию медиа-юриста для работы в международном проекте


ОФ «Гражданская инициатива Интернет политики» объявляет конкурс на позицию медиа-юриста для работы в международном проекте.

Высшее образование в области юриспруденции;

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«Centralasiaonline»: Kyrgyzstan is developing measures to combat cyber terrorism


Trying to keep up with tech-savvy extremists Kyrgyzstan changing laws, awareness campaigns and requests for international assistance, officials said.
Asker Sultanov
BISHKEK - Faced with

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«AKIpress»: Expert T.Mambetalieva wondered why the opposition sites is easily blocked, but does not close access to pornography


CA-NEWS (KG) - in Central Asia does not currently work effectively to prevent the spread of child pornography, while it is easy close access to opposition Web sites. This was stated Tattu

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Месячный оборот рынка платежных систем в Кыргызстане 1,2 млрд. сомов


Месячный оборот рынка платежных систем в Кыргызстане составляет 1,2 млрд. сомов. Такие данные сообщил в интервью ОФ ГИИП председатель Ассоциации Операторов Платежных Систем Эрлан Джузупов. По его

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«Tazabek»: Property taxation of Hi-Tech Park


Tazabek - According to Article 386 of the Tax Code, the activities of the High Technologies Park residents exempt from the following taxes:
-Income tax;
-Sales tax;
-Added tax.
Validity tax Tech

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«Fergana» sent a request to the State Agency on the request to unblock websites


Today, November 6, 2012, edition of the international news agency "Fergana" sent a letter to the Director of the State Agency for Communications (CEO) of Kyrgyzstan letter, asking to unblock a site,

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