About Foundation


The Public Foundation Civil Initiatives on Internet Policy (CIIP) is a non-governmental organization registered in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2001. The main mission is to stimulate legislative and regulatory reforms, as well as to ensure transparency and predictability of regulations in this field, presence of the competitive environment and free access to telecommunications services and information resources.

Leader of the rule-making in the regulation sector of information technologies and communications in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The Foundation is an expert organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic and CIS that provides legal services in the field of innovation, digital technologies, digital transformations, focused on the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the legal sphere.

For many years, we have been actively involved in the development of processes for the self-regulation of telecommunications and IT business, legislative activities in the field of IT, Internet technologies, electronic signatures, innovations and creating a solid foundations of the digital economy in Kyrgyzstan. Since 2002, the CIIP has been an active participant in the development of strategic government documents, such as:

– National Strategy Information Communication Technologies for Development;

– The program of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic on the introduction of e-government (State Administration of Executive Authorities and the local government of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2014-2017);

– The concept of digital transformation Digital Kyrgyzstan which is a nationwide program of digital transformation of the state, as well as being a developer of a draft Action Plan for the implementation of the concept Digital Kyrgyzstan.

The CIIP was among the initiators and developers of the ambitious digital transformation projects, participating in determining all of the ideas and goals of programs for building a digital society which is based on innovation, knowledge and the use of information technologies.

We have developed and successfully implemented more than 30 laws and acts at the governmental level. Including:


  • On e-Government,
  • About electronic signature,
  • On Personal Information,
  • On state and municipal services (changes in the part of e-services),
  • On the licensing system (Telecom, digital television),
  • Open Data, (open data),
  • On electric and postal services.
  • Regulations on the Tunduk,
  • Changes in legislation, regulation of the use of equipment for wiretapping and sending information,
  • and others regulating the scope of application of new information technologies.


The CIIP team is represented by:

– lawyers specializing in personal data protection, cybersecurity, e-government, copyright and other related rights concerning intellectual property, open data, public and private partnership, telecommunications and information technology regulation, access to information, television and other laws in the field of ICT.

– Technical experts in the field of cybersecurity, telecommunications, artificial intelligence, blockchain, digital services, architectural and technological solutions, building digital platforms, data exchange and data processing.

The CIIP team is a unique team of multidisciplinary expert with specialization in supporting innovation, digitalization and IT regulation in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Broad social activities

The CIIP is actively involved in the process of democratization and universal access to the Internet and the expansion of opportunities for public and civil bodies in participation of governmental decision-making process in the field of information and communication technologies.

The CIIP is an active participant in the Eurasian Network on Information Policy (ENIP), which was created by the initiative of the countries of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Russia. The network has joined first rate professionals in the field of information policy of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Russia.

The CIIP provides constant monitoring of the Internet, which is aimed to identify hidden hacker attacks or filters to any information on the Internet by potential perpetrator. The main purpose of monitoring is to provide access to information and free expression.

The CIIP has launched and implemented a large program on information (cyber)security, under framework of which trainings are being held for representatives of NGOs, journalists and human rights defenders. The goal of the program is to strengthen knowledge and practical skills among civil society in the field of information security. More than 800 people across Central Asia gained new knowledge on information security systems, protection from unauthorized interference and abuse in organizations’ information systems.

From the very beginning the foundation’s scope of operations, the CIIP has successfully implemented about 70 projects to improve Internet policy, carry out reforms in the field of telecommunications regulation, information security in the Central Asian region, improve access to communications in the rural areas, conduct Internet monitoring to ensure openness and freedom of access to Internet resources. and also the promotion of open source licenses and the development of free and open source software based on Linux.

Leader in the dissemination of new knowledge

The CIIP has created an innovative educational platform for expanding knowledge about digital rights and promoting new “technological” laws – the Digital Law School, which is aimed not only to increase the potential of specialists in the field of digital rights, but also to promote ICT knowledge dissemination and improve legislation in this area in the Kyrgyz Republic and other countries of Central Asia.

The School listeners are:

  • Judges of the Supreme Court and local courts;
  • Employees of the Presidential Administration, Government;
  • The General Prosecutor’s Office, regional and district prosecutor’s offices;
  • MIA, GKNB, GDS, MJ, ministries and other departments;
  • NGOs, journalists, human rights activists

The CIIP has become a partner of the Estonian Academy of Electronic Governance in the implementation of the data exchange platform between the ministries of the Tunduk (based on the Estonian X-Road).

The CIIP has experience in establishing close partnerships with governmental agencies – the main players in implementing state e-government policies such as the State Committee for Information Technology and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Government Office of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic, the State Registration Service of the Kyrgyz Republic, the State Personnel Service KR, Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Proactive methods to combat cyber-extremism and cyber-terrorism

With the participation of experts of the CIIP, a state program to counter extremism and terrorism has been developed. Regional meetings of experts of Central Asia are held on a regular basis to strengthen the capacity on the prevention of extremism and terrorism – the “Symposium of Experts on Countering Extremism Online”.

The CIIP is working to improve legislation in this area, conducting researches, and activities to support the resilience of young people to online propaganda of violent extremism.

Other achievements of the CIIP are

  • The Central Asian platform to discuss Internet governance, the development of the DNS industry, Innovation, digital space security, new economic opportunities – CAIGF. (2016 Bishkek, 2017 Dushanbe, 2018 Astana, 2019 Tashkent).
  • Regularly (every 2 years) conducted the Kyrgyz IT Forum (KIT Forum) is a real platform for discussing problems and ways of developing information technologies in Kyrgyzstan in the spears of  IT education, E-government, cybersecurity, IT business, e-commerce.
  • Established Digital Law School with a focus on personal data protection and cybersecurity basics;
  • Sustainable partnership with all the nongovernmental, expert and business communities, with the public sector to promote sustainable changes in the field of innovation, digital transformation, creating an open information society.

CIIP initiated the creation of a number of new ICT players, such as:

  • Association of communication operators;
  • Kyrgyz Software Development Association;
  • High technology park.