

The Kyrgyz Information Technologies Forum 

KIT-forum is the largest event in the field of information and communication technologies. The forum is held since 2010 and has established itself as a real platform for discussion of problems and ways of development of information technologies in Kyrgyzstan.

Every year KIT-Forum gathers up to 2000 participants – leading specialists, foreign experts, heads of companies in the field of information technologies, Internet and telecommunications, developers of software products and services, students of relevant specialties and Internet activists, as well as representatives of state and public organizations of Kyrgyzstan.

Within the framework of the forum, issues of e-government, open data, e-education and e-commerce, cyber security and personal data protection, support of IT business and start-ups in Kyrgyzstan, barriers to development in the field of information technologies and communications, creation of investment attractiveness and opportunities for public-private partnerships in this area, as well as the main world trends in the development of the Internet are being discussed.

One of the most important events in the framework of the KIT forum is the ceremony of awarding the “KIT Prize”. The award is intended to note the contribution of companies in the field of information technology and communications, successful, innovative and socially significant projects, as well as individuals who have made a significant contribution to the development of the ICT and Internet industry in Kyrgyzstan. Figurines of the KIT – the main symbol of the forum are awarded in the following nominations:

  • The Best Social Project
  • IT Persona
  • Opening of the year
  • Best Service
  • The best IT project

During the whole KIT forum there are being held also an exhibition of information technologies and interactive online quests with significant prize funds.


KIT-forum 2017

KIT-forum 2015

KIT-forum 2010