Digital Transformation and Digital Economy


Digital Transformation and Digital Economy

One of the important tasks of CIIP in the framework of the implementation of digital management and the digital economy is the creation of a favorable regulatory environment which contributes to sustainable innovative development (policies, legal frameworks, institutions).

The CIIP considers the alignment of the organizational architecture of the digital transformation of public administration as an urgent task (transition from e-government to digital).

When developing legal projects, CIIP proceeds from the goal of digital transformation: every citizen should be given the opportunity to remotely receive the full list of public services through any device with Internet access.

For these purposes, the CIIP works in the following directions:

  • Electronic signature (unified identification system);
  • Data management (regulation of state information resources and systems, big data analytics, distributed registries, electronic archive, interaction of state information systems through the Tunduk platform);
  • Transformation of e-Government into a digital Government (functions and tasks of government bodies, re-engineering of business processes, offices of digital transformation, change management in the digital environment);
  • Cybersecurity (personal data protection, protection of critical information infrastructure, requirements of cybersecurity of state information systems, digital evidence)
  • Civil law relations in digital format (artificial intelligence, Internet of things, one-sided transactions in digital format);
  • Access to information (open data);
  • Qualification requirements for civil servants (digital knowledge and skills as a mandatory requirement, continuous training)
  • Digital government services and platforms (support of the transfer of state / municipal services to digital format, e-education, healthcare, digital finance, digital solutions based fiscalization, digital notariate, e-business registration).

All this will contribute to the creation of a unified information space in the country, comprehensive and uniform coverage of all branches of government – executive, legislative and judicial, active implementation of e-democracy principles and approaches, ensuring participation of citizens and business structures in decision-making processes through online tools, the development of digital economies, innovations and expanding the potential of digital knowledge and competencies at all levels.

In total, in this area, the CIIP has developed:

– Requirements for the order of formation, updating and use of basic state information resources and the maintenance of the Register of basic state information resources;

– Requirements for the order of creation, commissioning, operation, development and withdrawal of their operation of public information systems;

– Rules for maintaining the register of state e-government infrastructure, including rules for the inclusion of infrastructure elements in the registry and their exclusion from the registry and its Annex;

– Regulations on the Unified Identification System of the Kyrgyz Republic;

– Rules for the use of simple electronic signatures in order to apply to state bodies and bodies of local self-government, including:

– Rules for creating and issuing keys of a simple electronic signature when using a personal identification number as a simple electronic signature in order to apply to state bodies and local self-government bodies;

– Rules for the use of personal identification numbers as a simple electronic signature in order to apply to state bodies and local governments;

– Requirements for details and the form (format) of presenting information in electronic documents of state bodies, local governments, as well as in electronic documents that are appeals of citizens to state bodies and local governments;

– Rules for determining the types of electronic signatures, the use of which is allowed when applying for state and municipal services and the Annex to them;

– Requirements for a qualified electronic signature certificate;

– Proposals for the creation of a digital transformation office for public administration;

– Draft of Constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Amendments to the Constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic, On the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (regarding the implementation of legal norms on the introduction of digital management);

– Requirements for the interaction of information systems in the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction “To End”;

– and other projects