The Park of High Technologies announces about the starting and beginning of the registration of residentsПарк Высоких Технологий готов принимать резидентов


In the Park of High Technologies of Kyrgyzstan, which was formed to provide taxes and regulatory advantages for companies and specialists in the sphere of ИКТ and elaboration of ПО, it has been constructed necessary administrative and technical base for the work getting started and it is announced about the procedure of registration of residents.

The mission of PHT is to stimulate the development of ИКТ’s industry in Kyrgyzstan through the making of the area of favorable tax software, the concentration of specialists and companies in the sphere of ПО, provision of openness and paving the way for IT industry. Thus, it is the opportunity for specialists to live in Kyrgyzstan and at the same time working for the whole world.

The companies and individual specialists could sent the application for registration to

The initiative of PHT development belongs to The Kyrgyz Association of Developers of Software and Services (KADSS) together with the Ministry of Transportation and Communication and had been realized since 2008. “The Civil Initiative of Internet Policy” and “Internet Movement” also took part in developing of legislation and promoting the idea of PHT.

The Law about PHT is signed in July 8, 2011, the Resolution # 276 “about constructing of the Park of High Technologies of KR” that is also approved by the Position of Supervisory Board of PHT, the Position of procedure of registration of residents and charter management of PHT is signed in May 2, 2012 by the Prime Minister of KR.

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