Preliminary results of the “values of the Kyrgyz people” study were presented


Today, on March 26, PF CIIP together with the Ukrainian expert company Pro.mova presented the preliminary results of a national study on the values ​​of Kyrgyz people.

In March 2012, the first stage of a large-scale project to work with the strategic vision of a future country, the study of the values ​​of Kyrgyz society, was completed. At the second stage, on the basis of its results, work will be carried out to build a public vision of the future of the country. The preparation and conducting the study were organized in a way to maximally adapt the advanced world methodology to the features of Kyrgyz society. With the results of the study, expert groups will work for a long time, as correct and deep interpretation of the data is very important.

The research was conducted during the whole year, 3010 respondents took part in the survey and passed it in several stages. The main goal was the creation of effective strategic planning tools for the development of the country through a deep understanding of the values ​​of the population.

According to the Ukrainian expert Yevgen Glibovitsky, “the opinions that there are fundamental differences between the values ​​of north and south Kyrgyzstan are very exaggerated and this is a myth, since there is almost no distance “. In his opinion, there are only differences in regional interests that are subject to compromise. The overwhelming majority of the population of Kyrgyzstan identifies itself by passport (82.6%), and not by regional characteristics.

Experts emphasize that the study of values ​​contributes to a deep understanding of interests, needs, faith, motivations, decision-making processes and priorities. Such studies provide an opportunity to outline the map of the cultural space of the country and on the basis of this to understand what long-term solutions are needed.

During the study, all respondents were divided into five groups. The questionnaire contained 46 questions, as well as hidden questions, clarifying the most important of them. For additional verification of the accuracy of the information received, respondents were called back up to three times. Making a conclusion from the survey, E. Glibovitsky noted that Kyrgyz society is currently healthy, but all development paths are possible, since the future depends on the society and the state itself. “We can say that we did not see the restrictions that are insurmountable,” he said.

“The general conclusion is that culture is important for a sense of justice, respect for nature, a desire to preserve beauty. The feeling of collectivism is inherent in respondents – the lack of desire to be alone, an individualist or an outsider. People are ready for long-term planning. There is also a desire to live within strict rules, ”said the expert of the project Aizharkyn Kozhobekova.

The study of the values ​​of the Kyrgyz society was made possible by the support of the UNDP Peace and Development Program and the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan.

For reference:

Pro.mova – Expert company pro.mova demonstrated successful experience in the study of values ​​in Ukraine and building a public vision of the future on the basis of a value portrait of residents. The company develops strategies, analytics, communications and support of changes in organizations, societies, businesses, creating and implementing sustainable long-term solutions.

The Civil Initiative on Internet Policies is a non-profit organization that specializes in the development of information and communication technologies in Kyrgyzstan. The main activity of the organization is aimed at stimulating legislative and regulatory policy reforms in the field of information and communication technologies, ensuring transparent and predictable regulation, the presence of competition, as well as free access of citizens to telecommunication services and information resources.

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