Выступление А. Ляхова о: – основных датах становления Казнета; – о реальном количестве пользователей в Казахстане; – необходимости отдельного законодательства для регулирования сети; – о целесообразности высокой цены на домен; – сравнении рекламного рынка Казнета и Байнета; – прогнозы и выводы;
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The International consortium for the Development of Digital Legislation has successfully completed work on the draft Digital Code for Kyrgyzstan, this document will create a favorable regulatory
On the International Children's Day on June 1, the Children's Information Technology Forum "Kids IT Day" was held in Kyrgyzstan for the first time.
The children's forum was organized for children
On December 14, 2018, Public Foundation Civic Initiative of Internet Policy held a training course on the issues of forensics (computer forensics), digital evidence fixing, cybercrime investigations.